New Year, New Resolutions… EVEN AT WORK!
Hello readers, and welcome to 2018! Jaime Marie here, writing to you about a tradition I look forward to every January- New Year’s Resolutions. For many, this will be the year they finally achieve that “dream body,” finish that novel they’ve been working on for years, or clean out all the junk drawers they’ve tried so hard to ignore for so long. According to the Statistic Portal, the top two 2018 resolutions in the United States were to save money or to lose weight/get in shape. Promising to change and improve yourself and your life is an almost unavoidable part of the transition to a new year. So, as you take on the next 365 days, what are you going to promise to change? Think about what improvements you could make this year in your workplace. Stuck? Can’t think of what you could POSSIBLY improve on at work…read more...