Playing Well With Others
Hi Bonjour Hello Hola Aloha! Do you remember back in grade school, when your teacher would sit your desk next to someone you didn’t like? Naturally you’d complain, and the response would be something along the lines of, “It’s just a seat, you don’t have to be best friends.” For these few minutes, think of the office as your old classroom… grade school for adults. Hi everyone! Jaime Marie here again, and this week I’m writing to you about playing well with others in the workplace - from seating arrangements to sharing, here are some tips on how to survive and strive in your adult classroom. The key to being a good employee is to be the coworker you wish others were; clean, prompt, considerate and positive. Squeaky Clean Monday through Friday you spend at least 1/3 of your time at your workplace, and are…read more...