Generational Engagement in the Workforce

Generational Engagement in the Workforce

I have recently returned from Phoenix, AZ where I presented at the WyNACK Disability Trust Conference about generational engagement in our workforce.  It was a fun and lively workshop, where participants learned about the 6(!) generations in our workplaces and how the diverse strengths of each generation can be used to enhance the growth of our organizations.

The Six Generations

The presence of 6 generations in our workforce today presents opportunities for managers and teams. Each generation brings their unique perspective and skill set to the workplace. The Silent Generation brings us the grit and determination to make the best of any situation, while the Boomers competitive and idealistic spirit helps our companies to attain our best goals. The Gen Xers healthy distrust of authority is balanced by their flexibility and adaptability – these folks entered college with a typewriter and graduated with a computer. Tech savvy Generation Y employees are pulling teams together to make the most of feedback and mentorships. And the much-maligned Millennials are pushing our companies toward flexibility and a more sustainable work-life balance. Generation Z – now our interns and recent college graduates – have an entrepreneurial spirit that will challenge employers to adapt and grow into organizations that will meet their technological reliance.

Generational Engagement leads to a Better Workplace

When we embrace and engage the values of each generation, we become a better workplace for all generations. All generations want to learn and be valued – it is our job as employers to create trust and set expectations that recognize the contributions employees make to our organizations, no matter what their generational biases and skills.


Creating understanding between the generations is an engaging opportunity! At HR Strategy Group, we joyfully celebrate and enlighten the differences in our multi-generational workplaces.  The Stay Interview might be a great way to evaluate how you are meeting the needs of your best employees from all generations. We’d love to help your employees learn more about each other through Stay Interviews or with our Generational Engagement Workshop. Call us today at 410-505-7823 to talk about how we can help.