Tis the Season To Be Jolly… and to Plan the Company Holiday Party!

Tis the Season To Be Jolly… and to Plan the Company Holiday Party!

While the season is certainly jolly, the holidays can also cause employer liability as you begin to plan your company holiday celebrations.  We have some great ideas for you to celebrate the holidays season and to keep you and employees safe, fun, respectful, and inclusive.


Outside the Box Holiday Festivities

Consider distributing toys to underprivileged children followed by a nice lunch.  Or head to an escape room.  People can come together and build their teams while having fun and creating lasting memories!

Celebrate During Work Hours

Consider a catered holiday lunch at the office or at a nice restaurant during the workday.  Close the office at 12 PM and invite all employees out to enjoy their work colleagues during the holiday season.

Schedule a holiday potluck lunch at the office! Have a Secret Snowman exchange with a set dollar limit. These are a lot of fun!

Re-consider the Alcohol

If you wish to continue your traditional holiday party, consider cutting back on the amount of alcohol served…or just not serve alcohol at all.  Have taxis, Uber, or Lyft on call to drive employees home.   Ensure that company leaders do not drink excessively.  I once read in Fortune, “Leaders do not get drunk at the company party.”  Watch the booze, my friends.

The Holiday Party Your Team Wants

Lastly, share the planning!  Asking employees to plan the fun takes some of the pressure off the individuals who usually plan your holiday celebrations and creates fun, inclusive, and safe ways to celebrate the holidays.


From our team here at HR Strategy Group to yours, Happy Holidays!!